༆ གཏེར་ཆེན་རྡོ་རྗེ་གླིང་པའི་ཆོས་ཚོགས།


Terchen Dorje Lingpa Foundation is an association related to Buddhadharma. After the birth of Buddha Shakyamuni in this world and specifically in the South Asian country of India, he turned the wheel of dharma, teaching the dharma in three vehicles to protect and liberate the beings from the sufferings of samsara. Firstly, at Varanasi, he turned the wheel of the basic vehicle, secondly the Mahayana at the Vultures Peak at Rajgir, and finally, he taught the secret Mantra Vajrayana at northern Indian places like Drepung and other places. Gradually, through his students, Archats, Bodhisattvas, and Mahasiddhas, Buddhism spread not only throughout the Indian sub-continent but also in China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and many other countries.

Later, according to the prophecy of the Buddha, the great Guru Padmasambhava was born in Oddiyana and visited the Himalayan nations of Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet, and Bhutan spreading the Buddhadharma. Since the students were not ready to receive many of the teachings during those times, Guru Padmasambhava concealed the teachings in mountains, lakes, and rocks with the prophecy that many sublime beings will appear in the future to reveal the teachings for the benefit of all beings. Then, gradually, several emanations of the Guru himself and many realized Yogis were born to reveal the hidden treasures. Among them, Dorje Lingpa, an emanation of Vairocana who was one of the twenty-five disciples of Guru Rinpoche, was born in Tibet during the fourteenth century. According to the prophecy of Guru Rinpoche, he revealed 108 sets of teachings, precious objects, and blessed Samaya substances in Tibet, Sikkim, and Bhutan which were hidden by Guru Rinpoche, and was popularly known as Terchen Dorje Lingpa.

Among the three yanas of Buddhism, Terchen Dorje Lingpa’s dharma treasures belong to the secret Vajrayana. If we practice his treasure teachings, it’s clearly stated that we will attain Buddhahood in a single lifetime. The teachings that he revealed are known as the treasure teachings of Terchen Dorje Lingpa and practitioners who practice these teaching are known as lineage holders of Terchen Dorje Lingpa.

Although treasure teachings of Terchen Dorje Lingpa were practiced in Tibet, Sikkim, and Bhutan in the past, it’s now only prevalent in Bhutan. During his lifetime, his treasure teachings were practiced all across Bhutan, but now there are only a few monasteries that practice his teachings.  Therefore, there’s a danger that the teachings may gradually decline and vanish.

Treasure teachings of Dorje Lingpa are an important historical heritage and lineage in Bhutan. It has become important responsibility for us to support the monastic centers of Terchen Dorje Lingpa in preserving the lineage. Therefore, to restore and preserve the treasure teachings, Terchen Dorje Lingpa Foundation was established in 2017. Since the Foundation is a Buddhist organization, it’s one of the main objectives, based on the Buddhist view, is to strive to benefit the sentient beings. The foundation will not only serve the monastic bodies but will also render its support services in terms of education, spiritual development, economic capacity building to the lay community. Moreover, the foundation pledges to disseminate the Buddhist teachings on kindness and good conduct to the youth who are the custodians of future generations besides supporting them with material kind. 

To sustain and to receive continued recognition from the government, the Royal Government of Bhutan certified the foundation by awarding the certificate of a religious body on 17 November 2020 from the Commission for Religious Organizations as per the laws of Bhutan, thereby making the foundation notable to the public.


To manage the monastic centers and to preserve and promote the treasure teachings of Terchen Dorje Lingpa


To preserve and promote Terchen Dorje Lingpa’s teaching practice and monasteries.


To support and for the well-being of the humble people of society in religious and other matters

Initiate various methods to disseminate the Buddhist teachings on basic goodness, kindness, and proper conduct to the youths

Office of Terchen Dorje Lingpa Association

Generally, the functions of Terchen Dorje Lingpa Association is supported by funds collected as fees from the members who join voluntarily, and donations from the devoted sponsors and fund acquired from other legitimate sources. To administer the Association, a full-time Director and Assistant Treasury is employed. Guided by the laws and policies of the Royal Government of Bhutan and the Religious Organizations Act of Bhutan, several projects and activities are currently underway.  Similarly, charter, organizational framework, and policies are framed and enacted. To overlook the workings of the Foundation, a Board is established.