Aja Dungkar Choling Gonpa

Dungkar Choling Gonpa is located at the heart of the sacred land of Aja in Sherimung gewog of Mongar Dzongkhag. The monastery was first built by the seventh Bumthang Buli Trulku Khakhyab Namkha Dorji in 1910 according to the instruction and prophecy of the 15th Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje and became a seat of the Terchen Dorje Lingpa’s lineage teachings in eastern Bhutan. The Shenphen Droldul Dorji Tenzin Rinpoche also extended the monastery. The two-story monastery building was damaged by the earthquake in 2009. When it was renovated in 2017, it was built as a single-story building. The monastery houses a majestic six feet tall statue of Guru Pema Jungney at the center.
It was built by the well-known clay sculptor Lama Kota. On the right and left are the three feet tall statues of Jowo Shakyamuni and Amitabha Buddha both in Sambhogakaya form. Also, there are two feet tall statues of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel and 15th Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje. The monastery is currently being renovated. Upon completion of the renovation, the foundation is planning to establish a retreat center for at least seven practitioners.
Bumthang Buli Wogmin Lhendrup Yoedsel Chholing
According to the oral tradition, Buli Wogmin Lhundrup Yoedsel Chholing of Gyatsa, Chumey under Bumthang region was founded by Dorling himself, and later his heart son Choyeing Jamtsho’s lineage and line of reincarnations have taken care and begin to flourish monks and disciples.
Later in the 20th century, following some circumstances, the Ninth Buli Truelku [Incarnation] Khachab Namkha Dorji left for Dungsam Pema Gatshel in the East and the Government appointed Senphu Lam Pema Tenzin as Buli Lam in his place.

Thereafter, Monastery was controlled by the Monastic Body of Trongsa appointing several Dzongpons to rule overanwhile, devotees and disciples invited H.E. the Aja Lam Zhenphen Drodruel Tenzin, the lineage holder of Dorling to the Monastery and Rinpoche bestowed the empowerment and oral transmissions. Following this, once degenerated Buddha’s teaching was reinstituted again at Buli Monastery.
Later, His Holiness the 70th Jekhenpo appointed Khenpo [Abbot] Yeshi Lhuendrup as a Buli Lam. He was also ordained and received empowerment, oral transmission, and teachings from H.E. the Aja Rinpoche. He initiated in compiling of one hundred thousand commands of Dorling. He established a monastic community for the first time by constructing residents for monks, and monks were given both spiritual and modern education. As a tradition, the annual Tshechu and other offerings are also preserved even greater than earlier.
Dondrup Chhoeling Monastery

Dondrup Chhoeling Monastery which is in the diamond community of Dangchhu under Wangdue Phodrang District was founded in the 14th Century by Dorling himself and later, Lam Jamyang alias Choeje Kuenkhen Peljor Dorji who was born from Tsiblob lineage served as the first Lam of Dangchu, and it was continued by his lineage holder. During the time of Choeje Kuenkhen Peljor Dorji, the Monastery was expanded and became the main seat for spreading the profound teachings of the Dorling to several disciples.
As there were more patrons to this monastery, chanting of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara) prayers, monthly and annual offerings; the grand offerings of Goenpo Dhegyed Tordok [Ritual performed to avert misfortunes caused by evil spirits] are conducted every two years.
Every after three years Tshechu [Religious Festivals] and Mask dances are performed at the monastery as well. There is a culture throughout the lineage holder whereby monks used to reside at the monastery during the summer season and they move to Shar Chag-gay Yangchen Gawai Monastery for winter residence. However, due to the absence of a lineage holder, His Holiness the 70th Jekhenpo Truelku [Reincarnation] Jigme Chhoedra has appointed Tertoen[Treasure Revealer] Truelku Tshering Dorji’s progeny Khenpo Passang Tshering as a lineage-holding Lam of the Monastery.
Khenpo received empowerment, oral transmissions, and discourses and has accomplished all the practices of the profound teachings of Dorling. He has practiced, implemented, and profoundly preserved the Dorling practical. Moreover, for the first time, he established Dorling Monastic Community with an enrollment of 33 monks along with Lama and Lopens.
Later in 2014, Lobdra became Dangchu Dondrup Chholing Goenzin an Dratshang. Since then, Lhakhang [Temple] was renovated and Monk’s residents were constructed newly. It is great news and a flourishing moment for the monastery that they have 8 teachers, and 55 monks undertaking various courses of Lobdra, Dratshang, and Sheydra including the English courses. The Goenzin Dratshang also conducts monthly and annual offerings along with the observation of Tshechu every after three years.
Sinphu Samten Tsemo Gonpa
According to the oral accounts, Sinphu Samten Tsemo under Trongsa District was initially founded by the Terchen [Great Treasure Reveler] Dorji Lingpa and entrusted to Terdhag (Treasure Holder) Mutsen with future prophecy. Later, Lam Ngawang Pekar, a descendant from Moenlok (Tsiblok) from the East founded the place and noble lineage holders such as Lam Jurmey Tshewang Dorji of Sinphu and His Holiness the Je Khenpo Yeshey Singye propagated the Dorling tradition and further, former Lam Pelden Singnye Dendup has bestowed the empowerment, oral transmission, discourses and spread the teachings of Dorling traditions like the golden rosary.

Even present lineage holder Dungsey Ugyen Tenzin has propagated Dorling tradition by practicing a hundred thousand offerings, renovating the temple and monks’ residents, and observing the annual Sinphu Mani as well.
Drangla Samten Chholing Gonpa

Drangla Samten Chhoeling Gonpa under Trongsa District was founded by Lopen Kuenga Wangchuk, the heart disciple of Dangchhu Lam Garwang Drodhuel Dorji. Since then, Lam’s descendants have propagated the empowerment, oral transmission, and teachings of the Dorling tradition. Further, present Lam Gyeltshen also enrolled over 15 monks, renovated the monastery, extended a new cell for the monks, and prosperously upholds the tradition.
They continue to preserve the ritual and liturgical chanting of Dorling tradition in a practical mode and, coinciding with the annual offerings on the 2nd Month of the Bhutanese calendar, Dorling Garchham was also introduced. Further, present Lam Gyeltshen also enrolled over 15 monks, renovated the monastery, extended a new cell for the monks, and prosperously upholds the tradition.
Nabji Ugyen Guru Lhakhag
The oral source states that Nabji Ugyen Guru Lhakhang, located in the Trongsa District was founded by Dorji Lingpa himself. Later, Truelku Chogdhen Gonpo renovated the Lhakhang and iconic relics were built by Truelku himself during his presence. The monastery was later taken care of by the lineage Lam of Chagkhar descendants and the ritual activities including monthly and annual offerings are still preserved to this day.